A mobilized Army Reserve Chaplain from Atlanta, currently stationed in Balad, Iraq at LSA Anaconda shares his thoughts on life and ministry in a combat zone.
Sig Christenson is a reporter with the San Antonio Express-News visiting Anaconda. I have had several meals and several conversations with Sig. If you follow the link and go to the March 17th entry entitled, "Another Groundhog Day" you can read what he says about our time together.
My normal schedule on Sundays includes getting up for breakfast and the 0830 Catholic Mass. As OIC (Officer-in-Charge) of Freedom Chapel I find it important to observe the different services (6 each Sunday). Plus, I like the singing and the Catholic Chaplain gives good homilies. After Mass I head to Green Beans coffee (think Starbucks in a trailer set in the middle of a desert combat zone) and hang out in the outdoor seating. Then it's back to the chapel around 0930 to check on things for my service at 1000. After my service it's back to Green Beans to wait until about noon when I go back to listen to the sermon at the Gospel Service. You never know who you will run into at Green Beans. Usually I find folks I know from the unit or the services and sit with them in the sun. Today I met some Bulgarians. The woman sitting next to me is a civilian filmmaker. She has a Masters of Theology and speaks English quite well. We had a good conversation, and she interpreted for her friend, who speaks very little English. The friend on the far side would want an interpretation whenever her friend would laugh, which was pretty much every sentence.
Last week while here I had the chance to meet a reporter from the San Antonio Express-News He took some notes, so if I ever find that he has printed anything from our exchange I'll put a link here. That's one thing about Anaconda; we meet folks from all over!
Well, last night was interesting.